Bodegas Sojosa Nitus Cava Brut Reserve
Bodegas Exopto Horizonte de Exopto Tinto 2018
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Bodegas ExoptoHorizonte de Exopto Tinto 2018

Spanien, Rioja, 750 ml, 13,5%

Red Horizonte var det första vinet Bodegas Exopto producerade vid starten 2003. Vinet görs i huvudsak på tempranillo med små mängder garnacha(grenache) och graciano. Vinrankorna växer i den södra delen av Rioja och har en snittålder på 50-80 år. Vinet mognar på betongtankar respektive stora fat och ···

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Doften är fruktig med inslag av röda bär och rostade fat. Smaken är rik i medelfyllig stil med god struktur och balanserad fatkaraktär. Behaglig eftersmak i fint kryddig stil med bra frukt där mörka körsbär och plommon dominerar.

750 ml
Lufta vinet
30-60 minuter

Så tycker experterna

93p 93 p "There is a lot of depth and nuance here: there is fruit, ripe without excess, spice, aromatic herbs and a touch of licorice and earth"

The Sonsierra red 2018 Horizonte de Exopto combines grapes from Ábalos and San Vicente de la Sonsierra and is a traditional blend of Tempranillo with 10% each Garnacha and Graciano. It fermented in concrete vats with indigenous yeasts, and the wine matured 50/50 in 600-liter demi-muids and 225-liter barriques for one year. There is a lot of depth and nuance here: there is fruit, ripe without excess, spice, aromatic herbs and a touch of licorice and earth. The palate is medium-bodied and reveals great balance, powerful but elegant, quite classical and with all that it needs to develop nicely in bottle in this cooler year. 12,000 bottles were filled in November 2019.

Vinet & maten

Recept som passar detta vin


Bodegas Exopto is a renowned winery located in the Rioja region of Spain. Founded in 2003 by Tom Puyaubert, a Frenchman with a passion for winemaking, the winery has quickly gained recognition for producing exceptional wines.

Bodegas Exopto's vineyards are located in the Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa sub-regions, where the climate is ideal for growing Tempranillo, Garnacha, and Graciano grapes. The winery's philosophy is to create wines that reflect the unique terroir of the region, using traditional winemaking techniques combined with modern technology.

The winery's flagship wine, the 'Bozeto de Exopto,' is a blend of Tempranillo, Graciano, and Garnacha grapes. It is aged for 14 months in French oak barrels, resulting in a wine that is full-bodied with notes of black fruit, spice, and vanilla. Bodegas Exopto also produces a range of other wines, including the 'Horizonte de Exopto,' a single vineyard Tempranillo, and the 'Diseño,' a blend of Tempranillo and Graciano.

Bodegas Exopto's commitment to quality has earned them numerous accolades, including a rating of 93 points from Wine Spectator for their 'Bozeto de Exopto' wine. The winery also participates in sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, such as using natural fertilizers and reducing water consumption.

Overall, Bodegas Exopto is a winery that combines traditional winemaking methods with a modern approach to produce high-quality wines that showcase the unique terroir of the Rioja region. With a focus on sustainability and quality, Bodegas Exopto is a winery that continues to impress wine lovers around the world.
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