The wines are exclusively available to members of Singular Society. When we found the cool grape arneis and a passionate grower named Giovanni Almondo we knew we had hit the spot. The Almondo family lives in Montà in the northern part of Roero, which is part of Piedmont. Here, in the ···
1 194 kr
Roero Arneis is an all-round wine. In Piedmont, the wine is often served as an aperitif or with classic vitello tonnato. If it is hot outside and the grill is running, we suggest whole dorado, lemon and asparagus. Serve the wine directly from the fridge and let it rise a few degrees in the glass. But if you prefer to wait for it, you could store this type of serious Arneis for a few years as well.
The Almondo family lives in the northern part of Roero in Piedmont. In addition to the fantastic grape Arneis, asparagus, peaches and strawberries are also grown here. The 15 hectares of vineyards that the family owns have the best conditions for arneis to thrive and express its personality: A calcareous and sandy soil, perfect drainage and cool winds that blow from the French Alps. Stefano Almondo, who takes care of the vineyards, describes ”The Almondo Style” as follows: ”a style composed of impressive aromas, fragrance and minerality”.
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