Bodegas Sojosa Nitus Cava Brut Reserve
Felton Road Pinot Noir Cornish Point 2021

Felton RoadPinot Noir Cornish Point 2021


Nya Zeeland, Central Otago, 750 ml, 14%

Denna årgång är slutsåld.

Prova gärna vinet i våra andra årgångar.




Doften är stor och generös med koncentrerad frukt och inslag av röda bär, kryddor och ek. Smaken är ganska fyllig med strama tanniner, markerad syra och toner av hallon och saltlakrits. Lång och elegant eftersmak.

750 ml
Lufta vinet
Gärna några timmar

Så tycker experterna

96p "Totally mouth-watering. "

Distant wood smoke, a flicker of nettle and lovely, tart blackberry fruit make for an aromatic nose. The palate comes in with exquisite freshness and a firm structure. Typically for Cornish Point, aromatic high jinks highlight the lovely juiciness. The finish comes with an echo of smoke and apple pip. Totally mouth-watering. This spent 13 months in 25% new French oak.

James Suckling
96p "beautiful berry, strawberry and extremely long"

A very energetic pinot with a fine line of tannins running through with a powdery texture. Medium-bodied and very compacted with beautiful berry, strawberry and extremely long. Subtle complexity with salted caramel undertones. Drink or hold.

93p "holds itself like a ballerina, poised and tall although this ballerina has more flesh on its bones than you´d see at the royal ballet"

The 2021 Pinot Noir Cornish Point holds itself like a ballerina, poised and tall although this ballerina has more flesh on its bones than you´d see at the royal ballet. It has a curved mid-palate but stays light on its feet, tip-toeing through the mouth. Herbal flavors sit alongside the red rather than black cherry fruit, dark chocolate and coffee grounds. The conclusion is fresh and finely textured.

93+ p "Lovely wine. Impressive."

The 2021 Cornish Point Pinot Noir leads with poached strawberries, pink peppercorns, sweet roasted meats and black tea, with a hint of sarsaparilla around the finish. In the mouth, the wine is succulent and fresh. The intensity of savory characters introduced by the aromas serves only to feather the edges of the core of fruit in the mouth, while the tannins wrap right around it. Ductile and pliable. Lovely wine. Impressive.

Vinet & maten

Recept som passar detta vin


Felton Roads gårdar ligger i Central Otago på Nya Zeeland och man är det sydligast belägna vindistriktet i världen. Vingårdarna ligger på nordsluttningar inmejslade mellan de höga bergen. Enligt vitikulturisten Gareth King är klimatet idealiskt för pinot noir, chardonnay samt riesling. Det enda problemet man har är om det kommer en tidig frost. Ett problem man också har i norra Frankrike eller i Oregon i USA.
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